I took Adam to Vegas for his birthday because he had never been and loves poker so much.  I told him 3 months in advance so he could save money up to gamble with.  We had also decided to go to the Grand Canyon.  I had been when I was younger but don't really remember too much and he had never been.  We left Jacksonville at 9:30pm and arrived in Vegas at 1 something am.  We got our luggage and headed to the rental car.  We got on the road about 2:30am and he drove straight there.  We got to the Grand Canyon at 6:45am.  I couldn't stay awake so I took a nap for an hour or so.  He couldn't sleep!  We took a peek at the Canyon then changed and went over to wait for the vistor center to open up and plan where we wanted to go.  I was hungry so we went and ate breakfast and then took the shuttle to different stops.  At Hopi Point he found this path that was away from a lot of people and told me we should go take pictures there.  So he took a couple with his regular camera but said it was easier with the video camera because he has a remote.  So we took some and then he said he didn't think it was working so he went to fiddle with it.  I wasn't aware but he pressed record and came back and I'm asking him why we haven't taken the picture yet.  He is stalling while some people decide to walk past us.  I'm getting ansty and wanting to move on to the next location.  Then he get down on his knee and says I can't wait any longer will you marry me.  I was shocked and speechless.  It was amazing!  We drove back to Vegas that day and lets just say as soon as we got to our hotel we fell asleep and celebrated the next night.  The video is coming soon!